✨STaRS Activities✨

👏👏THANK YOU to all participating programs, centers, services and RSOs! 👏👏

* Peer Supplemental Instruction (PSI)

* UGA STEM Graduate Student Panel, flyer

* Electromagnets

Physics students have built electromagnets at home with nails, magnet wire and batteries. The electromagnets varied in diameter, length and number of turns. The maximum force of each electromagnet was measured by how many chained paperclips could be lifted.

* Fun Computer Games

Students in ITEC 3450, Computer Graphic and Multimedia, create some fun computer games using the Processing language. This is one of their class projects. This project engages students in learning basic concepts and algorithms covered in the course and help them improve their programming skills.

* Vector Animation Demos

Students in ITEC 2110, Digital Media, use Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop together to create vector animations. Each frame of the animation is a vector image. This is one of their class projects. Through this project, students learn basic concepts of digital images and how to use Adobe applications to create good quality vector animations.

* Building our own computer cloud from discarded hardware

In-person demonstration at the H-1209 network lab, or virtual tour of the computer cloud that we constructed.

* Neurons in Action

An interactive tutorial session teaching students about computational neuroscience and simulating neurons on a computer.

* Grizzly Hacks Coding Challenge

Grizzly Hacks is a GGC student organization to promote coding activities on and off campus. We plan to hold a virtual activity that will include a training, followed by a hands-on coding challenge.

* Grizzlies On Air radio station - cancelled

Grizzlies On Air is a culmination of research involving a student focused radio station on the GGC campus. Students will present their needs assessment, goals, vision, objectives, model design, marketing plan, and intervention strategy.

* What do mathematicians research?

We will have presentations by GGC math major students on their current or previous undergraduate research. We will also have panel discussions on the experience of being a math major and career opportunities for math majors.

✨GGC Support Services & Programs✨

* Kaufman Library

* Academic Enhancement Center (AEC)

* School of Health Sciences

* Bookstore